My Story

Monday, December 16, 2013

Roommate Pictures!

On Sunday  morning we went and took roommate pictures.  We didn't have anyone to take them, so we made a tri-pod out of a drying rack and box and used self timer.  I was very impressed with how well they turned out!  And if I may say so, we are pretty attractive!  

 I was struggling with the jumping pictures, if I was jumping then everyone else was standing, and vice versa.  
 Finally we succeeded!  

 Shelby and Brindizi!  Two of the cutest, sweetest girls I have every  met!  They both cook us delicious food and it will be so weird without them next semester!  

Amanda and Bree are freaking adorable!  I mean look at their faces, how could you not love them.  They are the life of the party in our apartment!  I am going to miss Amanda so much next semester!  She gets my personality so much and we know how to make each other laugh.  It is going to be so sad when she leaves!  

This girl has been such a blessing in my life and I am so glad we got to be roommates this semester!  I can't wait to see what next semester has in store for us!  

Describes all of our personalities perfectly!  

Typical white girl picture, I'm not even ashamed!  

Apparently this picture wasn't appropriate, so the camera censored it for us.  

This pictures is great for so many reasons!  Me, Bree, and Amanda are just being adorable as usual, Shelby thought fast and photobombed the picture, and then there is Brinidzi being a creep in an igloo... 

Merry Christmas from apartment 210! 

Everyone says these pictures describe me perfectly, I don't see why!  

I should be studying...

Considering it is finals week, I should probably be studying.  But I am sick of studying, so I will blog!  These past few weeks have been so much fun!  It has probably been the best part of the whole semester!  We had a lot of adventures, and I have grown so close to all of my roommates.  It is going to be so sad leaving them this week because 3 of them won't be here next semester (thanks you track system at BYU-I).
 Shelby got her mission call to serve in the Irvine, California mission!  We are so excited for her and can't wait to see everything she does!  She will be missed do much!!!

 One night it just randomly decided to start snowing, and we just knew we wouldn't see green again for months.  It was exciting, but really sad.  On the positive side everyone says I am superb at driving in the snow, which shocks me!  But hey, I guess living in Utah my whole life has payed off! 

 This is the view from my room, I don't mind it :)  That tree is always so pretty! 
 One morning we woke up to the power being out.  Turns out it was so cold that the power lines froze from here to Idaho Falls.  It was freezing (-9 all morning or colder) and we had no heat.  So what did we do?  We got every blanket we have, cuddled, made hot cocoa from the hot water we had, and watched Les Mis.  BYU-I won't cancel school for snow or temperatures, but when it is too cold for the power lines to work, they have to cancel! I had no class that day, it was a nice little break!  
 We had a little incident earlier in the semester that ended up with half of our couch breaking.  We haven't been able to sit on it for a month and a half, so we were pretty happy when they came to take it from us.  

Christmas Festivities! 
 Our attempt at doing a "grinch" face, me and Manda failed, but Abby did pretty good! 

 We could not figure out the photo booth to save our lives!  We had no clue when it was going to take (hence the pictures on the right), but hey it was a memory!  

 BYU-Idaho puts on a christmas show every year that is a lot like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert.  It was so good and put me into the Christmas mood!  It was held in the I-center, which is an amazing building that I would mistake for the Conference Center if I didn't know where I was!  

 It got so cold that our window had ice on the inside, we thought this was normal, but then we felt a breeze coming from the window.  We figured out that our window was slightly cracked open, but we couldn't close it because of the build up of ice.  So what do we do?  We get hair dryers and melt all the ice for 15 minutes!  It did the trick though, our window hasn't gotten icy since!  

These are just a few of the highlights from the past 2 weeks, it has been so much fun!  I have 3 classes, 6 tests, and 3 more nights and then I get to go home for Christmas!!!!!!!