My Story

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Well it has been a pretty boring few weeks.  I haven't really done too much.  I went home for 24 hours last weekend and that was really nice!  One of my friends found a ride for the night down to Logan so we drove down Friday afternoon and left Saturday night.  It is always nice to go back home and see all of my friends and family.  I went and hung out with my friends at USU, and boy was it a different college experience.  I guess I have adapted to the bubble that I live in up here because it was fun, but I was exhausted and couldn't do it every night.  I was out until 3 AM with them and we did just random stuff.  I was talking to my friend and she said that they do that basically every night.  Although when I was home it made me jealous and made me want to transfer, I am really glad we have curfew here!  Even though some nights I hate it, it is nice because I get to get an adequate amount of sleep.

This week I have been studying and doing homework all the time.  I have also started to make more friends (its about time, I've only been here for 3 months now!).  I am getting used to my classes and what I have to do every night.  It is crazy to think I only have 4 weeks left of this semester!  It has flown by!  I have loved it and will be sad to see it leave because that means a lot of my friends will be leaving because of the Track system up here.

This week has also been super stressful.  On Monday night one of my next door neighbors came over and said she got an email about roommate requests for next semester, so I checked my email and I didn't have anything.  I didn't think much about it, just figured I would get it a little later.  Then Bree said she had been getting emails about her winter housing being secure here, and I hadn't gotten anything about it.  I thought that I had signed a contract for my apartment for Fall and Winter semester, but I went down and talked to my manager just in case.  Turns out I didn't sign for winter, and all of the contracts were sold.  I was put on a wait list and was number 4.  I came home and was so stressed!  I didn't have a place to live next semester and most of the apartment complexes had sold all of their contracts already.  While talking to my manager she told me to check the BYU-I bulletin board to see if anyone was selling, and it just so happened that a girl was selling her contract for the apartment where I am living.    I quickly emailed her and everything worked out!  I seriously think it was a miracle!  I didn't need that added stress in my life this week, and she got back to me within a day so I could stop worrying about it.  And another perk is that she signed one with a parking permit (another thing I was worried about) so I can even park here!  I am so grateful that she was selling her contract when she was!

To add to that I had to register this week.  I had everything figured out and got up to register right at 6 AM.  Some things didn't work out how I wanted them to, but I think it will be okay.  It is going to be a really hard semester!  I am taking Human Anatomy/Physiology with a lab, Chemistry with a lab, Public Speaking, Sociology, and Book of Mormon.  It is going to be a very long and hard semester.

Last night Abby and I drove down to Idaho Falls for the night just for fun.  We went to dinner and then walked around the mall looking at all of the Christmas decorations.  Neither of us bought anything, but it was nice to get out of Rexburg.

This morning I woke up at 5:30 and went to the temple with my roommates.  It was really early, but it was so worth it!  We had to wait 2 hours to be baptized because there was another ward there, but it was nice.  I liked it because we got home and I did homework, studied, and took a test all by 12!  I felt so productive today!

Sorry that was a long, boring post, but my family is complaining because I haven't updated my blog for a long tim.  I can't wait for this week to be over because that means Thanksgiving break!!!  I have been looking forward to this for such a long time!

Heres a few pictures from the past weeks!

 These are a few of the pictures from Halloween.  We didn't do anything too exciting.  We had some girls over and we watched a movie.  

 Can you tell that we really like Halloween?

 If anyone knows me, then you know my love for Target.  One of our Idaho Falls trips we went and I was in Heaven!  
 My family was nice enough to send me sugar cookies, but it was really sad when they were all gone.  
 What I live off of (not really, just on really busy nights)

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