My Story

Saturday, November 23, 2013

We know how to have fun!

This week was so much fun!  It was the last week before Thanksgiving break, and I was so excited for it to be over!
Monday night for FHE we played the flour game.  For those of you who don't know what this game is, you pack flour in a cup, place a penny on top, then go around and take turn cutting chunks of the flour off.  Whoever makes the penny fall has to dig in the flour with their face for it.  It was so much fun, it kind of made a mess though.  It was a good memory though!

On Tuesday my dad was driving home from the cabin so he stopped and took me to lunch.  It is always so nice to see family, even if it is only for an hour.

Then on Thursday my roommates and I went to the premiere of Catching Fire.  We went to the double showing so we watched Hunger Games first and then Catching Fire.  It was so good!  It far exceeded my expectations, and I would go see it again in a heartbeat!  For the movie we all made shirts, you can tell who the artistic ones of the apartment are (not me...)

Friday I was done with school for a week, then I went home Saturday morning.

Picture time!

I seriously love these girls so much!  It will be so sad with the semester is over and Amanda isn't with us anymore!  I have become such good friends with all of my roommates and I am going to miss them all so much when they leave next semester!  

The Flour Game after math 

Our FHE family 

Catching Fire Premier! 

Peetas so Hot 

I'm Catching Fire (we came up with this saying, we were pretty proud of it!)

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