My Story

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Winter Semester 2014

This semester is a lot harder than the last.  I guess I had a pretty easy semester last semester, but I didn't know that because I had nothing to compare it too.  I am taking 16 credits.  I have human anatomy/physiology with a lab, chemistry with a lab, public speaking, sociology, and book of mormon.  Like I said, it is hard, but I know it will be worth it.  Besides it being a lot harder, I have also already had so much fun in the 2 weeks I have been here!
 I thought I would take some pictures of my room before it gets messy...jk my room is never messy, it always looks this perfect ;)

 Yes One Direction did make it up on my wall and I'm not even ashamed. 

 Our first weekend we hosted a party.  Yes you heard me, I threw a party.  It was totally unlike us, but it was fun! 
 Our "We're having a party" face 
 Bree and I got bored one Saturday so we decided to make some decorations for the living room.  It doesn't look that hard, but it took us 3 hours to make.  

 Three Best Friends 
 Friday night we thought we were going rock climbing, so we dressed to go rock climbing.  Turns out the rock climbing wall we closed, so we decided to go bowling.  We were a little under dressed for bowling though and got a few weird looks from people. 

 On Saturday me, Abby, and Tessa went skiing at Kelly's Canyon.  It is just a little place about 40 minutes from Rexburg, and it was surprisingly pretty nice!  This is where my dad learned how to ski, so it was cool to be able to be there and go on all the runs he liked as a kid.  It was such a nice day too!  The weather was perfect, sun shining all day!  It was such a fun day!  

 My roommate Shelby from last semester is off to Irvine California for her mission.  She is going to do amazing things and has blessed all of our lives so much!  You will be missed Shelby!  

So far this semester has been full of so many adventures and I can't wait to see what else it has in store for me!  I am just hoping and praying that I can maintain my good grades with all of my hard classes.  

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