My Story

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Wait, Fall Semester is already over?

Wait, how is it already almost February?  It feels like just yesterday I was starting my first semester.  I learned so much about myself my first semester.  I had some of my hardest times and best times, but it was all worth it.  So far my college experience has been a good one!  

It was so nice to be able to go home for Christmas and just relax for a few weeks.  We didn't do anything too extravagant over the break, we went skiing, saw some movies, and played lots of ping pong.  It was a great break!  

 Although I loved going home it was so hard to leave my roommates, especially this girl!  I had such a good semester with all of them and we made life long friends ships.  I see the other girls a lot because some of them still live here and the others live close, but Amanda lives in Wyoming so I never see her.  She has become one of my best friends and it is so weird being here without her!  (p.s. those are my clothes in the pictures, she obviously is going through withdrawals!)

 It isn't Christmas unless you go sit on Santas least according to my mom. 

 One night over the break we met up with some family at Maddox.  It was so nice to see family we usually only see once a year!  
 Like I said, we played a lot of ping pong over the break.  We got a ping pong table for Christmas and someone was constantly playing it!
 New Years Ever selfie with the bro 

It was so nice to be reunited with all of my best friends back home.  It is always so sad leaving again, but I know that I am supposed to be at BYU-I. 

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