My Story

Monday, August 18, 2014

Where did the time go?!

Well, I thought I had given up on my blogging days, but I just read through all my posts again and decided to pick it back up.  So quick catch up on what happened since my last post.  I FINISHED MY FIRST YEAR OF COLLEGE!  It is still so weird to think that I am college aged, I definitely don't feel that old!  Living at home now, I have come to realize that I seriously LOVED college.  While I was there I didn't realize how much fun it is, but looking back I miss it so much!  Just living with other girls and having people walk in and out of your apartment, and always having someone to talk to.  College has definitely been the highlight time period of my life, I am wishing I was going back this fall so bad!  But I'm not, because I'M GOING ON A MISSION! I will talk about that in the next post…

Get ready for an overload of college pics because I am missing it so much!

Rexburg is one of the prettiest places I have ever seen.  You really can't complain about living there when it looks like this...

 I had the BEST FHE family this semester!  We all got along so well and they were some of my best friends! 

Bree and I had a little too much fun making up desserts at late hours…it was actually delicious and I am craving it REAL BAD right now! 

For a Relief Society activity we threw darts at balloons filled with paint like on Princess Diaries.  

 Happy Valentines Day! 

I went Cross Country Skiing with Abby one Saturday.  It was surprisingly a lot of fun and I would definitely go do it again! 

I was the ward pianist and my roommates thought I looked like I was hating my life every time I was playing...

One of the highlights of the semester was having a devotional with Dallin H. Oaks.  Me and Abby were determined to have front row seats to it, so we sat outside the doors for an hour waiting to get in.  It felt like we were at Disneyland, but we were just waiting for a General Authority.  The doors opened and we pushed our way to the front (just like you do at Disneyland) and we got our front and center seats.  What we didn't realize though is that you can't see the speaker when you are sitting that close.  So moral of the story, it isn't worth it to sit front row at Devo everyone, sit a few rows back so you can actually see the speaker ;) 

 Thats just about as much as we could see, if you look closely you can see the top of his head.

About half way through the semester it came time for me to sign a contract for an apartment for Fall semester, but all of my friends were going on missions, so I didn't have anyone to live with.  So I decided to apply to transfer to BYU, and I GOT IN!  It was such a heartbreak last year when I got denied, but now I have the choice of which school to go too after my mission!  


More pics from exploring the big city called Rexburg…yes we got a lot of weird looks taking these pictures. 

Bree convinced me to go Country Swing Dancing with her, and can I just say it was one of the highlights of the semester!  Two of my FHE brothers went every week and were really good so they taught me how to do all the cool tricks and stuff.  BE OPEN TO TRYING NEW THINGS!   You never know what could become your new favorite thing! 

We like to call this "Welcome to Rexburg, where it is too windy to take a decent Selfie…"

And this is referred to as the "Dead Fish Bree Picture" 

"Heidi we have to take a picture on the light pole…" why did we have too?  Don't ask me...

Towards the end of the semester I took a trip down to Salt Lake with some friends for the Festival of Colors.  It was so  much fun and a nice little get away before finals week! 

While there we tried to fake that Abby got engaged…it didn't work very well. 

Once again, I loved my FHE group! 
And Bishop Shaw was the best person I have ever met!  


Don't mind how disgusting we all look, it came to the last night we were all in the apartment together and we realized we didn't have a picture of all 6 of us together.  So we quickly gathered even though we all looked disgusting from cleaning and studying all day! 

I love all of these girls so much!  We all had our ups and downs, but we learned so much from each other, and I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to live with each of them! 

Goodbyes really aren't that fun if you were wondering.  

Yes it was absolutely necessary to take a 'I just finished my first Year of College with all A's selfie' (Go Me!)

Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning is what my last day in Rexburg consisted of.  I spent 5 hours cleaning an oven, I REPEAT CLEANING AN OVEN!  I hate White Glove Clean Checks. 

Cleaning break!  

Saying goodbye to our room.  It is so sad to see somewhere you lived in for a semester empty.  The memories with Bree in that room will always be remembered.  

goodbye Apt. 210, we will miss you!  

Like I said, I hate goodbyes.  I cried the whole 2 hour drive home because I was leaving.  It is so weird how you can become so close to a stranger in such a short amount of time because you live together, then just like that you go your separate ways again.  Life is weird...

 Sorry for all the pics, I just had so many memories I had to write about!  Needless to say, I LOVE COLLEGE.  I miss it so much and the experience and things I have learned through moving out are amazing.  I can't wait till Fall 2016 when I can go back!!!


Heidi :)

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