My Story

Thursday, October 31, 2013

It's Midterms!

     Well it is midterm week which means I am half way done with the semester!  Time is flying, it seems like just yesterday I was moving in!  It is been a lot of fun and there has been a lot of change that came with moving out.  Some of the highlights of the past few months have been I-night, getting A's on almost all my tests (woohoo go me!), seeing my family/going home (yes this is a highlight because I miss my house and family so much!), and meeting a lot of new people.  
     Being moved out has made me appreciate everything that my mom does so much!  I never understood what it took to keep the house so clean, and I have discovered that I have adapted a lot of her habits.  Growing up she always nailed us about doing our own dishes after we use them and to always clean up after ourselves.  Since being up here I have learned that not everyone was raised that way, and it has been hard.  I have had to get mad at my roommates a few times because our dishes pile up and it grosses me out.  I never thought I would say this, but thank you mom for teaching my how to keep a clean kitchen and house!  THANK YOU MOM!!!
    I have also been missing my big bed and own bedroom at home.  Don't get me wrong, I love having roommates and Sydney is the best!  But I miss having my own personal space that I can go when I want to be by myself.
    I have also come to appreciate all of the relationships that I have made back home.  I didn't understand how much of a blessing those were to me until I came up here.  All of my friends from back home were always there for me whenever I needed anything and I always had people to go to.  Up here I haven't met a ton of people and I haven't made too many relationships like the ones I have at home.  So I am very grateful for everyone that I have become friends with in Logan!
    So thats how my semester is going so far!  It has been fun, but I feel like I am just doing homework all day everyday.  I decided that I am in need of a vacation so if anyone wants to go to Disneyland with me, give me a call!  (jk I don't have time for that, I wish I did!)  Now time for pictures!

 I know this looks gross, but I was so proud of myself for actually cooking last Sunday!  I made myself Stroganoff with green beans and a spinach salad.  I have come to like a lot of foods that I didn't at home, like spinach and tomatoes.  I end up having spinach almost every night for dinner.
 With it being Halloween we had a ward Halloween party.  Me, Bree, and Amanda dressed up like 80's girls.  

 I love all of these girls so much!  They are my next door neighbors and we have all come to be pretty good friends!  

We dressed up for a Halloween dance party, my costume was kind of a fail though.  I couldn't figure out what to be, so we decided to go for Pipy Longstockings, but that didn't turn out, so I ended up just being a school girl.  Abby was going for being a Deer.  We are really good at making costumes! haha 


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