My Story

Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Roommates

This month has been a lot of fun!  It was a lot of change at once, but I am really enjoying it.   I am living with 5 other girls, and I love them all.  

These are my roommates (from left to right) Amanda, Shelby, Breeanna, Brindizi, me, and Sydney.

The first picture we ever took as roommates.  

This is Sydney, she is my room-rommate and I love her to death!  She is super tall (as you can see in the previous pictures), she is 6'2" and basically tower over me.

This is Breeanna.  She is from Idaho Falls and she is awesome!  One night I decided I wanted to scare Sydney so I hid in the cupboard.  Sadly it didn't work, but hey it's a good memory! 

This is Amanda.  I love her, she is a party!  One night we were taking "family pictures" so we all put on matching plaid shirts and pulled out the glitter headbands :)

 Breeanna, me, and Amanda

I couldn't find any good pictures of me with Shelby and Brindizi, but they are awesome as well!  Shelby is a super good cook and makes us food all the time!  Brindizi is an amazing singer and we always make her play her guitar and sing for us! (she is going to be famous, so watch for her!)

I love all of my roommates so much and I got so lucky to be able to have them as my roommates!  We have made so many memories already and I can't wait for the next 3 months with them!

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