My Story

Saturday, October 19, 2013

I love to see my family

These past two weekends have been so much fun because I have seen my family!  Last weekend was my little brother Jacks baptism.  It was so nice to go back and be able to catch up with all of my old friends and sleep in a big bed again! (I am really missing my big bed haha)

 Being able to see this girl made my weekend so much better!  I have missed everyone from back home so much! I also got to see Kyleigh, and everyone that I used to work with.  I went into Firehouse twice and saw everyone I used to work with.  I never thought I would say this, but I actually miss it there.  I have been craving the food a lot, so it tasted really good!

Becky and Jay's family came down for the baptism.  I am so grateful that they live so close and that I get to see them so often! 

 This pictures doesn't really have anything to do with this post, but the sunset was too pretty not to post this picture!

This weekend my family and the Seedalls went up to the cabin for our annual weekend for cutting wood.  I went up on Thursday night for a few hours and had dinner.  Friday I went to class, then my dad picked me up and we headed back up!  I don't know why, but cutting wood is so much fun to me!  We haul our trailers and all the kids out into the forest and just have a good time.  It is so much fun to be around all of my cousins, it is a good bonding time.  We have made so many memories cutting wood!

Yes, I did use an axe and split a log.  It only took about 20 tries, but I can now say that I have split wood :)  

We are the best wood cutters in the world, if anyone ever needs some wood give us a call! 

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