My Story

Saturday, October 12, 2013

My First Month of College!

I moved up on September 13, and I feel like I have been constantly running every since then!  I have had a blast so far!  These are just a few of the things that I have been up to.

The first weekend I was there there was a party at the school called I-night.  There was everything and anything there!  We went roller skating, played volleyball, went to a dance, and listened to people sing karaoke.

This a Abby.  We went to high school together and we were actually double partners in tennis the one year I played.  I am so glad she is up here!  We have become really good friends and it is nice to have someone up here that you can talk about things back home with.

 This was a part of I-night.  Sydney and I thought this looked fun, so we went at it!  Sadly I lost.  She won three rounds in a row, it is just because she had a height advantage though.

The temple is just up the street from my apartment so I love going on walks/drives up there.  It is such a pretty temple and I am so blessed to be able to live so close to it.  Everyday when you are walking on campus you can always see the temple.  This is one of my favorite parts of the campus.

 Some of my roommates and next door neighbors.

 I went on a date to the Kris Allen concert, and it was so much fun!  It was such a good concert, and I even got to "meet" him after (aka have in sign something and quickly smile for a pic, same thing though right?)

 It snowed the first week of October.  Me and Abby were a little excited about it so we took pictures instead of studying.

We had to represent our hometown!  We wore our USU attire to watch the BYU vs USU football game and we got some dirty looks...

Allison (my cousin) came up and visited me for a weekend!  It was so much fun to have her up here with me, and I can't wait until she comes to school here next year!

Allison, me, Breeanna, and Shelby 

Abby and I went on a little walk and explored the streets of Rexburg.  It is a pretty cute town with lots of street art!

It has been such a fun month!  I am studying a lot, but it is paying off.  When I get the chance to have a social life, it is so much fun!  I can't wait to see what the next few months bring! 

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